Backyard Chicken - Before Chickens

Before chickens:

Make sure chickens are allowed.
Before buying your first chicks, make sure they’re allowed where you live. Many townships, villages and cities have embraced the benefits of backyard flocks; however, chicken keeping is not yet permitted everywhere. Talk with your city representatives to learn of any chicken ordinances and local laws. Ask for a file to keep on hand. Then, share the good news with your neighbors.
Questions to ask your city officials before buying chickens
✓ How many birds are allowed?
✓ Are both hens and roosters acceptable?
✓ Are there rules on where the coop can be built?
✓ What do I need from my neighbors before starting?
✓ Do I need a permit to raise chickens and/or build a coop?
✓ Who can I contact if I have to unexpectedly part ways with my chickens?
Think about where you’ll keep your chickens once they are grown. Each bird will need 4 square feet of indoor space and 5–10 square feet of outdoor space when full-grown. See below for coop building tips.
Determine the number of birds you’d like.
The number and gender of birds in your flock hinges on your local ordinances and flock goals. Remember that young chicks grow into full-grown birds. Create a budget for: the time you can spend with your flock, bird housing needs, a plan for egg collection and use, and what you’ll do with the birds when they retire. Then start small with a flock of 4 to 6 chicks.
Choose your breed.
There are hundreds of backyard chicken breeds. Some have fancy, colorful feathers while others can produce up to 300 farm fresh eggs each year. With a match for everyone, the fun part is selecting the breed that’s right for you.
To pick your perfect poultry pal, outline your flock goals and climate. Will you be raising chickens for eggs, meat, show or pets? And, do you live in an area where it gets hot or cold?
A few popular chicken breed choices are:
Egg Layers:
Purina Eggs 1
Ancona, Blue Andalusian, Campine, White Leghorn
Purina Eggs
Australorp, Orpington, Plymouth Barred Rock, Rhode Island Red, Sussex
Purina Eggs
Ameraucana, Araucana, Cream Legbar
PUrina Eggs
Marans, Penedesenca
Purina Eggs
Barnevelder, Welsummer
Rock, Jersey Giant, Sussex, Wyandotte
Meat Birds:
Cornish Rock, Red Broiler, New Hampshire
Ameraucana, Leghorn, Minorca, Rhode Island Red, Turken
Araucana, Australorp, Mincorca, Orpington, Barred Rock, Wyandotte


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